Empowering Business with AI
Founded in May 2021 to tackle specific business challenges, since it's birth THEDISCOVERYAI has been evolving into a premier platform for tailored AI software. By 2032, it aims to serve the majority of the world's business AI needs.
We envision empowering every business with seamless access to tailored AI software.
To develop, maintain, and upgrade tailored AI software, delivering it as a mean for business excellence.
CEO's Message
"AI is not just a technology, it's a mindset. It has the power to transform the way we do and think about business, from how we make decisions to how we engage with our customers. We are committed to bring AI live in every single business."
"Together We Win!"
Arian Saddam Hossain, CEO and Co Founder, is passionate about discovering new possibilities and solving problems from data. He has more than 18 years of proven experience working with analytics (BI, AI, ML) and business strategy. He is an Engineer, Computer Scientist (BUET/CSE), MBA, Specialist in Marketing (IBA). He has 12 years of executive career in telecommunication industry